7:30- 8:00am - Registration/Continental Breakfast
Introduction to DCAA and an Overview of the Audit Process
This presentation will provide an overview of DCAA, including the responsibilities, duties, and types of audits that can be performed throughout the various phases of a contract lifecycle. Additionally, we will discuss DCAA’s audit process. Participants will learn the importance of adequate assertions, scheduling entrance and exit conferences, communications throughout the audit, and much more! Finally, participants will learn about the DCAA Internet resources and presentations that are available.
9:00- 10:00am
Elements of an Adequate Proposal (1st half)
This presentation will provide an overview of how proposal adequacy is determined through discussions on FAR Part 15, Table 15-2 and DFARs 252.215-7009. We will also discuss proposal adequacy requirements for cost elements such as Direct Labor, Material, Subcontracts, Other Direct Costs (ODCs), and Indirect Rates. Finally, participants will learn about historical data considerations, FAR Part 31 Unallowable Costs, common proposal deficiencies, and regulatory resources to assist with proposal development.
10:00-10:15am - Break
10:15- 11:00am - Elements of an Adequate Proposal (2nd half)
Provisional Billing Rates
The presentation will provide an overview of provisional billing rates (PBR). The purpose of PBR’s will be discussed along with the procedures for establishing the rates. Participants will learn when the PBR’s should be submitted and the types of information that should be included in the PBR proposal. The importance of billing rate monitoring will be emphasized along with common deficiencies that can occur when utilizing provisional rates. The presentation will also cover example procedures that DCAA may perform when reviewing the rates.
11:30- 12:00pm
Monitoring Subcontracts
The presentation will provide an overview of what a contractor should know about subcontracting including subcontract selection, subcontracting requirements, and the responsibilities of the prime contractor. Participants will learn what information is required to be submitted with the annual incurred cost submission and what the subcontractor will need to provide to the prime.
12:00- 1:00pm - Lunch
Accounting System Requirements
This presentation will provide an overview of the pre-award accounting system design review process. Participants will learn what occurs prior to the award of a cost-type contract, what is contained in the SF 1408, and what the applicable DFARS regulations say with regard to what comprises an acceptable accounting system. We will discuss FAR Part 31 clauses that cover allowability, allocability, and reasonableness.
3:00- 3:15pm - Break
3:15- 3:45pm
Contract Briefs
This presentation will provide an overview of the reasons for requiring contracts be briefed and what needs to be included in a contract brief. Participants will also be shown the DCAA Incurred Cost Electronically (ICE) model Schedule O, which provides a standard template, and where to find the template on DCAA’s public website.
3:45- 4:15pm
Public Vouchers
This presentation will provide an overview of Public Vouchers. We will discuss contractor responsibilities for voucher preparation as well as the criteria for an adequate billing system. Participants will learn about the Department of Defense’s Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) electronic payment system and resources that are available to assist with utilizing the system. Additionally, common deficiencies found during DCAA voucher reviews will be discussed.
4:15- 4:30pm - Closing Remarks & Evaluations
What: Small Business Training: DCAA Accounting Seminar (in-person training)
When: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. MDT
Where: Administrative Services Center, Building B, Room B445
9050 Viscount Blvd. El Paso, Texas 79925
Cost: FREE